Oct 23, 2024  
2021-22 University Catalog 
2021-22 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations and Policies

Academic Calendar

Transylvania uses a modified calendar called a “4-4-1 system.” Under this calendar the academic year is divided into three parts: two regular terms of 14 weeks (fall and winter) and a one-month term in May. There is an optional summer term offered each year as well. Academic regulations are stated and progress toward the degree is measured by course units. For purposes of comparison, one course unit is considered equivalent to four semester hours.

Course Load

The normal load of courses for regular full-time students is four course units during the fall and winter terms and one course unit during May term. 

  1. A student carrying fewer than three course units during the fall or winter term shall be considered a part-time student.
  2. A student taking the equivalent of more than 4 3/4 course units during the fall and winter terms, or more than 1 1/2 course units during May term, will be considered to be on academic overload. Students with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher may register for an overload with the consent of their academic advisor. Permission to carry an overload by students with less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 will be granted only in exceptional circumstances and only on the written recommendation of the student’s academic advisor and with the approval of the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards.
  3. Additional tuition charges will be imposed beyond the equivalent of 4 3/4 course units during the fall and winter terms and beyond 1 ½ course units during May term.  
  4. Students will not be permitted to take an overload in their first regular term.

Student Classification

Regular students are those admitted through the Office of Admissions on the basis of approved academic credentials and according to approved procedures. They are considered degree-seeking students. Regular full-time students carry at least three courses for credit during fall and winter terms and one course during May term. Regular part-time students carry fewer courses for credit.

Regular students are classified as first-year students, sophomores, juniors, or seniors, depending on the number of courses successfully completed toward the B.A. degree.

First-Year: < 9 units
Sophomore: 9-17 units
Junior: 18-26 units
Senior: 27 units

Students other than regular students who enroll for standard university courses, whether for credit or as an auditor, are designated as special students. Special students apply for admission and register for classes through the registrar’s office. For more information on admission, courses, and fees, contact the Office of the Registrar, (859) 233-8116 or registrar@transy.edu.

University Grading System

The guidelines for evaluating performance in a course are:

A for excellent work
B for good work
C for satisfactory work
D for minimally passing work
F for unsatisfactory/failing work

To recognize the range of performance possibilities within the guidelines, grade point averages will be calculated according to the following quality point scale:

A+ 4.00 B+ 3.33 C+ 2.33 D+ 1.33
A 4.00 B 3.00 C 2.00 D 1.00
A- 3.67 B- 2.67 C- 1.67 D- 0.67
            F 0.00

Other grades that may be assigned, but that are not calculated in a student’s grade point average, include:

I for incomplete work; due to illness or emergency only; must be completed by the middle of the next regular term, or the I is changed to an F through administrative action.

CR for credit; given for satisfactory work in a course approved by the faculty to warrant CR/NC grading. In courses where the grading format is at the student’s option, declarations of CR/NC format must be received in the registrar’s office by the last day to add a course. If a declaration is not made by that time, a preference for the standard grade format will be assumed. Unless otherwise stated in the official course description, CR/NC grading will not be available as an option for individual students.

NC for no credit; given for unsatisfactory work in a course approved by the faculty to warrant CR/NC grading. Unless otherwise stated in the official course description, CR/NC grading will not be an option for individual students.

NR for courses which are currently in progress or for no grade reported from an instructor.

for courses that were transferred in from another institution.

W for withdrawal from a course; recorded when the student has been permitted to withdraw from a course after the official deadline to drop a course, but no later than the end of the eighth week of a regular term.

WU for withdrawal from the university; given in all courses in which the student is registered at the time he or she withdraws from Transylvania University.

Only grades of C- or better (or CR) in major pattern courses count toward fulfillment of the student’s major pattern. Allied courses are not subject to this restriction. Note: Allied courses are required for the completion of a major pattern. They are distinct from major courses in these ways:

  • Unlike major courses in which only grades of C- or higher may apply to the mandate, any passing grade meets allied course standards.
  • Allied courses may be used to satisfy any general education category.


Transylvania University expects its students to complete all course requirements on schedule. Faculty are expected to establish course requirements early in the semester and communicate those requirements to students. Students, in consultation with their advisors, will undertake responsibilities commensurate with their abilities and commitments.

Incompletes will be granted only in cases of serious illness or injury, family crisis, or some other substantiated unforeseen circumstance beyond the control of the student that would make it impossible to complete all course requirements by the end of the semester. A student may not receive an incomplete for a course because of failure to complete required assignments on time and/or because of a significant number of absences occurring during the course of the term.

Students who believe that they can demonstrate a legitimate need for an incomplete must:

1) Obtain a Request for an Incomplete form from the Registrar’s Office,

2) Seek instructor approval to take an incomplete and establish the terms,

3) Obtain advisor’s signature on the form, and

4) Return the form to the Registrar’s Office.

The last day for a student to complete this process is the last final exam day.  In cases of illness or injury occurring at the end of the semester, notification from the Dean’s Office to the Registrar will suffice to initiate the process.

The instructor will set an expiration date for the incomplete grade.  All work must be completed by that date and the instructor must submit a Grade Change to the Registrar’s Office by the University’s Grade Change deadline (March 1 for Fall terms and November 1 for Winter, May, & Summer terms).  The instructor may petition the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards to extend the period of the incomplete.

A regular letter grade will be recorded upon notification by the instructor to the Registrar. Incompletes normally will convert to the grade of “F” or “NC” based on the grading policy of the course upon the expiration date unless a request for an extension has been approved.

As long as an “I” remains on the student record for a course, a student may not be enrolled for credit in any course that has that course as a stated prerequisite without the consent of the instructor. A student may not graduate while an “I” remains on the record.  

Mid-Term Progress

Students are issued mid-term progress reports to apprise them of their progress within each fall and winter term. The progress reports are issued in the seventh week of regular terms, which allows students time to withdraw from a course with no punitive grade should they choose to do so. These reports are not a part of the permanent record and will not appear on academic transcripts. Mid-term progress reports are assigned as follows:

  • S= Satisfactory progress (Indicates a grade of C- or better.)
  • U= Unsatisfactory progress (Indicates a grade of D+ or below.)
  • NR= No report (No progress report was submitted by professor.)

Satisfactory Progress

A regular full-time student will be considered to be making satisfactory progress toward a degree by completing successfully an average of seven course units for each academic year in attendance. However, a student may be judged as not making satisfactory progress at the discretion of the dean of the university, regardless of whether the seven-unit standard has been met.

Grade Appeals

Complaints of this sort are not common, but they will be treated fairly and responsibly. The proper procedure for handling student complaints about grades is as follows:

  1. The student consults with the instructor for an explanation of the method of evaluation and to determine whether an error has been made.
  2. If the student is not satisfied with the results of the conference with the instructor, he/she should consult the program director or division chair, with the clear understanding that no one except the instructor can change the grade.
  3. If the student still maintains that the grade received is not proper, the student should be advised that he/she may take the complaint to the dean, with the clear understanding that no one except the instructor can change the grade.

Academic Probation—Academic Good Standing

The academic progress of all students will be reviewed by the dean of the university at the end of the fall term, and winter and May terms combined. Based on this review, students will be placed on academic probation by the dean of the university if

  1. They are not making satisfactory progress, or
  2. Their term or cumulative grade point average does not meet the following minimum standard for their class status:

First-year student—1.66
Junior, Senior—2.00

All first-year and sophomore students with a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 but above the cut-off for probation for their class level will receive a letter of academic warning from the dean of the university.

Transfer students must provide Transylvania with complete transcripts of all previous college work. Transfer student credentials will be reviewed in the context of the rules for academic probation. Upon admission, the registrar will determine whether the student is to be admitted on academic probation. A student not on academic probation will be considered to be in academic good standing.

Academic Suspension

The academic progress of all students will be reviewed by the dean of the university at the end of the fall term and at the end of winter and May terms combined. Based on this review, students will be placed on academic suspension by the dean of the university if:

  1. At the end of the first full term of attendance at Transylvania, a student has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.0
  2. At the end of a probationary term, the student has not achieved the minimum standard for his or her class status or has not completed a minimal full-time load with a 2.25 term grade point average.

Students with exceptional circumstances may appeal their suspension to the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards. Suspended students are eligible to be considered for readmission only after they have been suspended at least one regular term. May term and summer school are not considered regular terms.

Students readmitted after academic suspension will be on academic probation.

Academic Dismissal

Transylvania will not readmit students who fail for the second time to meet academic requirements for continuation.

Class Attendance

Students are responsible for class attendance. Instructors shall explain to students at the beginning of each course their expectations and grading policies with respect to absences from class meetings. Instructors shall report excessive absences to the dean of the university.

Academic Integrity

Honesty, trust, and personal responsibility are fundamental attributes of the university community. Academic dishonesty by a student will not be tolerated, as it threatens the foundation of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. To maintain its credibility and reputation, and to equitably assign evaluations of scholastic and creative performance, Transylvania University is committed to maintaining a climate that upholds and values the highest standards of academic integrity.

All members of the university community have a responsibility to ensure that the highest standards of integrity in scholarly and creative work are understood and practiced. Disciplinary penalties for a student found guilty of cheating may be determined by the instructor or the dean of the university according to the seriousness of the offense.

Academic Records

The official record of each matriculated student at Transylvania is the permanent academic record maintained by the registrar and is the property of the university. Transcripts of the permanent record are available from the registrar upon request by the student. Transcripts are not issued for those who are indebted to the university until the debt is paid or satisfactorily adjusted.

Transylvania confers degrees at the conclusion of the Fall term, May term, and Summer Term.  Once the degree is conferred at the date of graduation, the academic record is considered complete and final.  No further changes will be made unless there is a documented clerical error. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Office of the Registrar of a clerical error within 30 days of graduation.

If readmitted to the University after the degree is posted, a student may return to campus and take additional Transylvania coursework towards majors or minors as a non-degree/special student.  Course repeats are not permitted after a degree is awarded.  No transfer work will be accepted after the degree is conferred.

All academic records are governed by the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as amended. Essentially, this act ensures students the right of access to all individual academic records maintained by the institution as well as the confidentiality of these records. Transylvania University intends to fully comply with the provisions of FERPA. Questions concerning this law and the university’s policy relating to the release of academic information may be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Four-Year Graduation Guarantee

We believe that a private liberal arts education at Transylvania University has long-term value, and we offer a Four-Year Graduation Guarantee because we believe graduation can, and should, happen in four years.

Transylvania University guarantees that new, full-time, first-year students (beginning with the entering class of fall 2012) will graduate in four years if the following criteria are met by the student:

  1. Remain in good academic standing (2.00 cumulative GPA) at the University.
  2. Declare your major by the end of your sophomore year and maintain enrollment in that major.
  3. Complete an average of 9 units each year for four years.
  4. Earn grades sufficient to allow you to enroll in the next level of required course in order not to repeat courses and thereby fall behind.
  5. Meet with your faculty advisor prior to registration each term to review your course plan and monitor progress.
  6. Register during designated registration period.
  7. Monitor your own progress toward degree using the Student Planning module on TNet to help you stay on track.
  8. Notify your faculty advisor if unable to register for a required course needed in the major or for graduation.

If you meet these criteria and do not graduate in four years, we will cover the cost of tuition while you complete your degree. The student must apply for financial aid. Any portion of tuition not covered by federal or state grant assistance will be covered by the University. Costs associated with room and board and books are the responsibility of the student.


  • Students who, because of a change of major after the sophomore year, are required to complete more than 36 units are not covered under the Guarantee.
  • Students enrolled in programs with education certification requirements that require enrollment in their student teaching in their 9th regular term.
  • The Guarantee does not extend to minors or second majors. Students who wish to pursue additional majors and minors must do so at their own expense.
  • The Guarantee does not extend to courses desired as prerequisites for graduate and post-baccalaureate programs that are not needed to complete the primary major at Transylvania University.


The University awards degrees in December, May and August, but commencement exercises are held only once per year in May on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Students who complete degree requirements in the winter or May term or those who are scheduled to complete degree requirements in the summer term may participate in the commencement ceremony. Students who complete degree requirements in December may choose to participate in the commencement ceremony in May prior to completion of degree requirements or the May commencement ceremony following the completion of degree requirements. All candidates for degrees must apply for graduation by November 1 as directed by the Registrar’s Office.

Leave of Absence

In general, students are expected to complete their degrees by attending Transylvania for four consecutive years. Occasionally, students may find it necessary to interrupt their program of study. In this event, the student may apply to the dean of the university for a leave of absence, not to exceed 12 consecutive months. Ordinarily, leaves are granted only at the conclusion of a term. Students on leave need not apply for readmission but should notify the registrar at least 30 days before their return. The right to use college facilities is suspended while the leave is in effect.

Credit by Examination

Transylvania grants one unit of credit per exam with a score of four or five on the Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board. These examinations are usually taken by students who have completed a formally designated AP course in high school. Transylvania also recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) academic program and encourages students to submit IB examination scores for review. One unit of credit is granted for each Standard Level Examination area passed with a score of six or seven and for each Higher Level Examination area passed with a score of five, six or seven. Students who complete the International Baccalaureate diploma with a score of 30 or above will be granted one unit of course credit. Transylvania also awards one unit of general elective credit for each A Level exam passed with a grade of A*, A or B. Transylvania University does not grant credit for College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams. Course equivalencies for all exams are available in the Office of the Registrar.

Credit earned by examination will not be awarded for the same course more than once. If a student would like to take a course for which they have already received credit through an exam, they must forego the previous credit. For further information, contact the Office of the Registrar, (859) 233-8116.

Credit for Athletic Participation

A student-athlete may be eligible to earn academic credit for being on a team during their athletic career at Transylvania. The credit is earned as follows:

  1. The student-athlete must remain an eligible member of an Athletics Department-sponsored team for an entire academic year.
  2. A quarter (.25) credit may be earned ONE time during their athletic career for being a member of EACH different team (e.g., .25 for PE 3 Volleyball and .25 for PE 24 Track & Field).
  3. The credit will be added to the student’s transcript by the Registrar’s office after the May Term of the appropriate academic year.

Registration Policies

Registration periods for each term will be established by the registrar. Priority/early registration is granted for students who are veterans or current members of the U.S. armed forces and for students with documented disability accommodations. A student may not add a course after the final day of registration. A student may drop a course without an entry on the permanent record until the published date. 



Section 103 of Public Law (PL) 115-407, ‘Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018,’ amends Title 38 US Code 3679 by adding a new subsection (e) that requires disapproval of courses of education, beginning August 1, 2019, at any educational institution that does not have a policy in place that will allow an individual to attend or participate in a course of education, pending VA payment, providing the individual submits a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33.

Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e), Transylvania University adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from VA.  Transylvania University will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Auditing a Course

A Transylvania community member (current students, alumni, faculty, faculty emeriti, and staff) may audit one regular Transylvania course each term at no charge if space is available and with the permission of the instructor. The auditor is responsible for purchasing any materials required for participation in the class.  Registration will be completed through the Registrar’s Office. No credit is awarded, but audited courses will be recorded on the permanent record with a grade of AU if the auditor meets the requirements set by the instructor.  Students may audit a course prior to taking it for credit. Audited courses do not impact a student’s enrollment and no financial aid is awarded based on the courses.

For those not currently enrolled at or employed by Transylvania University, the policy for auditing is as follows:

  1. Those interested in auditing a course should refer to the list of courses available for audit on the Transylvania website. Courses that involve labs, performances, or extensive materials will not be available for audit. Senior seminar courses are also not available for audit.
  2. An individual may audit one course at a time. The instructor will determine the number of individuals to audit a particular course.
  3. The individual who wants to audit a course must complete the Audit Request Form, available from the Registrar’s Office, and submit it to the Registrar’s Office. To complete the form, the individual who wants to audit the course must seek the signature of the course instructor. The Registrar will review the request and then submit it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of the University for notification. The decision to admit or decline a person is at the sole discretion of the instructor teaching the course if seats are available in a course appropriate for audit; the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of the University reserves the right to approve or disapprove if deemed necessary.
  4. Audit Request forms will only be approved after the registration period has ended for current students if there is space in the class. 
  5. There is a charge of $50 per course audit.
  6. If approved to audit a course and before attending the course, the individual auditing the course must complete the Non-Degree Application for Admission and submit it to the Registrar. This application is available on the Transylvania University website.
  7. No academic credit will be awarded but the participant will have a grade of AU entered on their transcript.
  8. A student’s family member may not audit a class in which their student is registered.
  9. Those auditing a course must be at least 18 years of age or enrolled as a dual-credit high school/college student. Transylvania University may require, at its discretion, a background check of individuals who want to audit courses.
  10. The course instructor will determine, at their discretion, the amount of class participation available to the course auditor. 
  11. Those allowed to audit a course are not granted student status, and will not have student access to any other buildings on campus. They will receive a Visitor Crimson Card to access the building where the course is held and the Library. They will not receive a parking pass or receive any other campus or student privileges.
  12. The University reserves the right to revoke one’s audit approval at any time. 
  13. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the instructor will notify the students currently enrolled in a class if someone intends to audit that course.
  14. The University does not allow one to unofficially “sit in” on a course. One must follow the steps listed above.

Repeating a Course

Students may repeat courses in which a C- or lower was earned. Courses in which a substandard grade is earned at Transylvania may be repeated for credit only at Transylvania unless specific prior approval is granted by the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards. The repeated course is so designated on the permanent record, and the grade is substituted in computing the cumulative grade point average, but the original grade remains a part of the permanent academic record. In all cases, the most recent attempt will be used in determining academic progress and computing grade point average. Students may repeat courses previously audited or audit courses for which they previously earned credit.  Course repeats are not permitted after a degree is awarded.

Course Withdrawals

A student may withdraw from any course subject to the following rules:

  1. If a student is to maintain regular full-time student status, no withdrawal from a course can be allowed if the resulting course load would be less than a minimum load.
  2. Withdrawal from a course without record is allowed through the third week of a regular term and the second day of May term.
  3. After the deadline for course withdrawal without record, a student may withdraw from a course and receive a grade of W until the end of the eighth week of a regular term or the seventh class day of May term. This option may not be used to avoid consequences of violating the university’s Academic Integrity Policy. No withdrawals are allowed after the end of the eighth week of a regular term or the seventh day of May term.

Withdrawal from the University

A student who decides to withdraw from the university must complete official withdrawal forms. Failure to do so can result in failing grades in each course. Students who officially withdraw receive grades of WU in all courses.

Students wishing to withdraw from the university should begin the process in the registrar’s office. Withdrawal will not be finalized and transcripts will not be released until an exit interview is completed. Grades of WU will not be allowed for students withdrawing during or after final examination periods. A student may not withdraw from the university at the end of the term to avoid academic or disciplinary suspension.

A student may be administratively withdrawn from the University for non-compliance with University policy. Students will be notified beforehand that non-compliance may lead to administrative withdrawal and will be given at least 48 hours to come into compliance before the withdrawal is finalized. Students who are administratively withdrawn from the University will receive grades of WU in all courses. 


Students who have withdrawn from Transylvania, either voluntarily, administratively, or through suspension, must apply for readmission through the Office of the Registrar if they wish to re-enroll. Readmission is not automatic, nor is it guaranteed.

Among the factors that are considered in making decisions about readmission are the following: conditions under which withdrawal occurred (e.g., health problems, academic suspension or other disciplinary reasons, withdrawal without proper notification of intent, non-compliance with University policy), available space, time elapsed since withdrawal or suspension and previous readmissions, if any.

A student who has attended another institution since leaving Transylvania will be required to provide an official transcript from the institution prior to being readmitted to Transylvania. Students who withdrew for medical reasons may be asked to submit a letter from a qualified physician or other health worker attesting to the good health of the student and recommending readmission.

A returning student who has not been enrolled at Transylvania for three or more consecutive regular terms must meet the curricular requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

All applications for readmission, along with the required letters, must ordinarily be submitted by July 1 for the fall term and by November 1 for the winter term. Readmission is not usually granted for May term. The Committee on Admission and Academic Standards reviews all applications for readmissions.

Transfer of Credit

Courses taken elsewhere will be considered for transfer upon submission of an official transcript to the registrar. The following criteria are used in evaluating the transferability of academic credit to Transylvania:

  1. Credit was earned during a regular term at a college or university accredited by a regional accrediting agency or others specifically approved by faculty action. Transfer of credit from an institution outside the United States will be judged on its considered merit.
  2. The credit is judged to be consistent with the academic objectives of Transylvania.
  3. The credit was earned with a grade of C- or higher. For those courses for which credit was granted on a pass/fail basis, evidence must be provided from the institution that the passing grade represents at least C- work.
  4. Courses taken in a semester hour system will transfer as follows: 4 semester hours = 1 unit; 3 semester hours = .75 unit; 2 semester hours = .5 unit; 1 semester hour = .25 unit.

The registrar, as an agent of the faculty, determines the transferability of academic credit. The Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards will serve as the final arbiter of disputes about transfer of credit.

Courses taken by correspondence, online courses designated as On-Demand, as well as GE Upper Level Liberal Arts and GE Writing Intensive courses are ordinarily not transferable to Transylvania. The use of transfer courses to satisfy major/minor requirements is determined by the program director of that area. A minimum of 25% of the requirements for a major/minor must be taken in residence at Transylvania University. Transfer grades will not affect the calculation of cumulative grade point average.

A student may transfer in no more than 18 units of course work and eight of the final nine courses must be taken in residence at Transylvania.

No transfer work will be accepted after the degree is conferred.

Questions regarding transfer of credit should be directed to the registrar. Current Transylvania students are urged to obtain approval of transfer prior to taking a course elsewhere.

Dean’s List and Honors

The primary honor for academic achievement on a continuing basis is being named to the Dean’s List, compiled at the end of each regular term. Only students carrying at least three full-unit courses with regular letter grades are eligible. A term average of 3.5 or better is required.

The Stephen Austin Award is conferred upon a first-year student who has matriculated at Transylvania as a first-year student and who has completed at least four course units as a full-time student. The award is presented to the student with the highest cumulative grade point average in courses taken at Transylvania. To be eligible, a student must have taken at least 75 percent of his or her courses in letter-graded courses. In the case of identical cumulative grade point averages, more than one award may be given.

The Henry Clay Award is conferred upon a student who is a sophomore and has completed at least 12 course units as a full-time student. The award is given to the student with the highest cumulative grade point average in courses taken at Transylvania. To be eligible, a student must have taken at least 75 percent of his or her courses in letter-graded courses. In the case of identical cumulative grade point averages, more than one award may be given.

The Junior and Senior Class Academic Awards are conferred upon students who have achieved the highest cumulative grade point averages in courses taken at Transylvania. At least 12 course units must have been taken as a full-time student.

Major Honors may be presented to graduates in each major pattern offered at Transylvania at the discretion of the program. The student must have at least a 3.5 grade point average in courses in the major pattern and an overall grade point average of at least 3.0.

Graduation Honors are awarded at the following three levels:

Cum laude to graduates with at least a 3.5 grade point average in all courses taken at Transylvania.
Magna cum laude to graduates with at least a 3.7 grade point average in all courses taken at Transylvania.
Summa cum laude to graduates with at least a 3.9 grade point average in all courses taken at Transylvania.

Other academic honors include the Whitehouse Premedical Award, presented to the outstanding premedical student and established by the late Dr. A. J. Whitehouse; the Delcamp Essay Award, presented for the best critical essay on any aspect of the literature of any country; the Delcamp Special Merit Award, presented to the entrant who shows promise of outstanding future development in literary study; and the Delcamp Creative Writing Award, presented for the best student work in poetry, fiction, theater, and personal essay. These awards are presented in memory of Dr. Ernest Woodruff Delcamp, a faculty member from 1908-52.

The Joseph Buchanan Philosophical Essay Award is given for the best critical or creative essay on a philosophical theme by a student majoring or minoring in philosophy.

The outstanding economics student is designated Rara Avis by Omicron Delta Epsilon, the economics honorary.

The John D. Wright Jr. Award is given to the outstanding man in the sophomore class.

The Lydia Todhunter Memorial Cup is given annually to the sophomore woman who is judged “the best all-around woman.”

The Shirley Hedges Memorial Award is given to the outstanding woman in the junior class. The recipient is selected by vote of the faculty.

The Transylvania Leadership Award was established by the late Charles Mitchell Sr. to recognize a third-year man for his leadership and scholarship.

The George Stopp Academic Achievement Award is presented to a graduating senior who is the four-year varsity athlete with the highest grade point average at the end of the winter term.

Among other awards are the Thomas Jefferson Scholarship Award, the Lila H. Boyarsky Award, and several Ruchman awards.

Other awards, presented by social and athletic organizations, include the following: Alpha Omicron Pi Mary Breckenridge Cup, Chi Omega Mary Collis Vance Award, Phi Mu Susan Lunger Brown Award, Delta Sigma Phi Insalutatus Award, Delta Sigma Phi Crimson Cup, Phi Kappa Tau Hedrick Cup, Phi Kappa Tau Faculty Member of the Year Award, Delta Delta Delta First-year Woman Award, and various athletic and organization awards.

Teacher Education Program: Admissions Policy

Admission to teacher education begins with entrance to Transylvania through a selective admission process. To apply to the program, students must:

  1. Choose a teaching major. It is best to do so no later than the sophomore year if students hope to qualify for teacher certification in the usual four years of undergraduate study. Students who have declared a teaching major will be assigned an advisor in the education program.
  2. Each candidate must be approved by the Teacher Education Advisory Board. Admission to the Teacher Education Program does not mean automatic approval for student teaching.
  3. Complete and submit an application for admission to the Teacher Education Program.

Admission to the program is contingent upon the following:

  1. Satisfactory completion of EDU 1004 - Foundations of Education , and a minimum 2.75 GPA in education courses, sophomore class standing (9 course units), 2.75 GPA overall.
  2. A minimum 2.75 GPA in the major (i.e. English, math, history) for students pursuing high school and P-12 teaching certification and minimum 2.75 GPA in the middle grades education major.
  3. A minimum score of 150 in math, 162 in writing and 156 in reading on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE) Exam.
  4. A submission of a formal essay and an impromptu writing sample to the Teacher Education Admissions Committee.
  5. A completed recommendation from each of the following:
    1. current academic advisor
    2. previous academic advisor or instructor
    3. a member of Transylvania’s faculty or staff
  6. Satisfactory results from an interview with the Teacher Education Admissions Committee. Selection is based on:
    1. apparent commitment to the profession
    2. proficiency in human relations and oral and written communication
    3. apparent concern for the best possible education for all youth
    4. understanding of skills, responsibilities and stress involved in teaching
    5. other factors indicative of becoming a successful teacher

After students are approved for teacher education, continuation in the education pattern leading to certification depends on maintaining a 2.75 minimum GPA in all the areas previously stated and the ability to demonstrate the content, pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to help all students learn—as required by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Standard 1 Content and Pedagogical Knowledge.

If the applicant is denied admission into the Teacher Education Program, she or he has the right of appeal with the university’s Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards.

Student Teaching: Admissions Criteria

The following requirements must be met for admission to student teaching:

  1. Senior standing is a prerequisite for admission to student teaching. In addition, each candidate must have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program.
  2. Each candidate must be approved by the Teacher Education Admissions Committee of the Teacher Education Advisory Board. Admission to the Teacher Education Program does not mean automatic approval for student teaching.
  3. Each candidate must submit results of a recent medical examination, including a tuberculosis test, to the education program before student teaching begins. The form is available from the education program office. Candidates are also required to complete a background check before student teaching begins.
  4. Each candidate must have completed a minimum of 200 hours of clinical and field-based experience prior to student teaching. Transfer students must provide documentation of field and clinical hours earned at other colleges or universities. Candidates are required to document their field experiences in the Kentucky Field Experiences Tracking System (KFETS).
  5. Each candidate shall have achieved the following academic requirements:
    1. overall grade point average of at least 2.75
    2. grade point average of at least 2.75 in the major
    3. completion of all required professional education courses with an academic standing of at least 2.75
    4. senior standing
  6. Each candidate shall be a person whose moral, social and ethical behavior is acceptable in the school community as well as in the community at large.
  7. Each candidate must be a member of the Kentucky Education Association—Student Programs to receive liability insurance coverage during student teaching.
  8. Applications for spring student teaching must be returned to the education program by October 1.
  9. Applications for fall student teaching must be returned to the education program by February 1.

Criteria for Teacher Certification

To be recommended for certification, candidates completing the program must:

  • have a minimum 2.75 GPA overall and in their major or emphasis area(s) and in education;
  • have a passing Praxis II score and
  • have a passing score on their Student Teaching Portfolio.